So I know what you think about Italian Weddings... in the land of the Vatican and the Pope, the center of Catholicism, EVERYBODY probably gets married in church. Well, that's not necessarily true anymore.
Take my small Piemontese town Saluzzo for instance. There were 53 religious ceremonies in 2010 which was 5 less than last year and 16 less than the year before. To further confirm, statistics show that civil ceremonies are becoming more and more common. Saluzzo had a whopping 29 non-religious ceremonies in 2010.

This could also be due to the increase in foreigners in our area, less faith in the church, or simply because they want a beautiful outdoor setting for their whole wedding. What kind of beautiful setting for a wedding does Piedmont offer, you ask?
Well to start with, you could have your civil ceremony above the clouds in a hot-air balloon while drifting over the Langhe Valley vineyards.

If you would be interested in our outdoor weddings please click on the sidebar links for Kairos or Stile Divino Travel!